Sebi grew up in Mainz, in the midwest of Germany. After living in America for a year during high school and then finishing his A-levels in Mainz, he decided to do his bachelor's degree in Innsbruck, Austria. He chose Innsbruck as a city due to his passion for skiing and the mountains. After graduating in September 2022 with a degree in Management, Communication & IT, he has decided to take a year off in order to work and travel before starting his Master's degree in Marketing & Branding in Innsbruck in October 2023. He is very interested in photography as well as no-code tools and platforms such as Webflow or Notion and finds it fascinating to see what possibilities these tools open up for users and young entrepreneurs. In order to learn as much as possible about running an agency as well as gaining new experiences and developing new skills he joined Psychoactive for his internship in October.
Learning about running a successful agency while making a benefit to the team
Help Psychoactive grow and enter new target markets
Loves skiing
Will beat Callum every day of the week in chess
CEO of mocking Kunyang